Thursday, April 30, 2015

Guest Post :: The Thoughts :: By Robyna May

Now here is a post.

When Ronbyna from The Mummy and The Minx and Chasing His Sunshine sent me this Guest Post she wondered whether it was "a little dark and strange" for me to want to publish here.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  It is because of it's darkness, it's rawness, it's truth that I am so pleased to publish it here.  And there is nothing strange about it.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Photo Albums

What do you do with your photos?

We're old school at our place, we still print them out and put them in albums.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Taking Stock :: April :: 2015

So I haven't taken stock for a while now.  I've been more concerned with my monthly goal setting.  But this month I've decide to shake it up a little.  I really like this exercise developed by Pip Linoclne of Meet Me At Mikes.  It looks like a simple little list, and it only takes a minute to read.  But answering these questions is deceptively, not difficult, that's not the right word.  Percipient.  They take some thought.  Some digging.  So, revelatory.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Photo Safari :: Museum Edition

Well, how lucky am I?

Last Sunday I got the beautiful opportunity to meet some wonderful women.

Most of them are also lovely bloggers.

And one of them was Pip Lincolne.